Writing a Difficult Editorial: EIC Editors Blog

This year the editorial staff has tackled a lot of difficult issues; there haven’t been many “light” editorials.

Earlier this year, we wrote an editorial about the senior patio being closed due to a select group of seniors that preformed what looked like a “freshman Friday” to most people, even after the administration explicitly told them not to. The first print issue of the year, we decided to take the “side” of the administration and wrote an editorial that wasn’t taken well by some of our peers.

The Arts section in the December Courant Issue

Francesca DeRosa
Arts & Entertainment Editor

I’m excited about this issue of the Courant. More excited than usual, even. And that is because I am an avid Harry Potter fan. If you have gone on nchscourant.com lately, and I’m assuming that you have since that is where you are reading this, than you will have seen that we have circa three different articles up about the beginning of the end of HP. We’ve got Serra’s, the blogs editor, blog post on how to live Harry.

Courant November and December

Catherine Chiocchi, Emily Greene, Sara McCloskey

During the November/December cycle, the Courant will be focusing more on the website because during the last publication cycle the website did not update often. In order to increase the publication for online, stories will be posted according to relevance (timeliness), meaning if an article is covering a specific event it will be published within a week or so about it.

The News Section in the October Issue

Lizzy Kilbride and Kelly Saiz
News Editors

Over the past month we have been busy putting together the news section. We are excited to welcome Lizzy Kilbride onto our editorial staff!

Because October is dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness and Domestic Violence Awareness, we’ve dedicated space to covering these issues. We also have an article on the Polo Foundation, founded by senior Isa Carillo in support of horse slaughter prevention. Awareness is a key trend of the October issue and is echoed in the editorial.

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