Top ten Facebook party fouls

Ellen Trinklein
Opinions Editor

Facebook is a great, albeit addicting, tool. We all know the benefits—you can meet up with old friends, post pictures, and become an excellent and proficient stalker. However, there is a set of unwritten rules—or perhaps they are just my pet peeves—of what’s acceptable and what’s not on a Facebook page. It’s time these rules be written down and my pet peeves be addressed.

Tis the season of prom

Serra Oral
Blogs Editor

With junior prom just around the corner and the season of asking people to senior prom coming up, prom has been a constant topic of high school students lately. But with the discussion comes the problems or “proma”. Here are the top issues that tend to be faced in this period.

Writing a Difficult Editorial: EIC Editors Blog

This year the editorial staff has tackled a lot of difficult issues; there haven’t been many “light” editorials.

Earlier this year, we wrote an editorial about the senior patio being closed due to a select group of seniors that preformed what looked like a “freshman Friday” to most people, even after the administration explicitly told them not to. The first print issue of the year, we decided to take the “side” of the administration and wrote an editorial that wasn’t taken well by some of our peers.

The Arts section in the December Courant Issue

Francesca DeRosa
Arts & Entertainment Editor

I’m excited about this issue of the Courant. More excited than usual, even. And that is because I am an avid Harry Potter fan. If you have gone on lately, and I’m assuming that you have since that is where you are reading this, than you will have seen that we have circa three different articles up about the beginning of the end of HP. We’ve got Serra’s, the blogs editor, blog post on how to live Harry.