Courant November and December

Catherine Chiocchi, Emily Greene, Sara McCloskey

During the November/December cycle, the Courant will be focusing more on the website because during the last publication cycle the website did not update often. In order to increase the publication for online, stories will be posted according to relevance (timeliness), meaning if an article is covering a specific event it will be published within a week or so about it.

Also, for print edition the plan is to write shortened articles that are comprehensive and contain all the necessary information for readers in the print and have an extended version online with extra interviews. This allows articles in the print to encompass the whole story without feeling like any information was left out due to specific word count requirements.

These past two issues have been learning issues for us as all the returning members of the class get accustomed to their new positions as editors and as writers, while simultaneously trying to train the new set of Journalism 1 reporters to write articles and layout pages. Luckily, since this is the 2nd year of our website, we started article posting with our new system from the get-go, to keep the Courant using less paper.

We’re also initiating a new organization system so production flows more smoothly and seamlessly. We have created “section folders” and posters so the status of each story is clear to everyone. These measures will lead to increased communication between reporters and editors, and the quality of production will go up.

Now for promotions! We introduced two new positions this month. Junior Elizabeth Kilbride will be joining junior Kelly Saiz as news editor, and sophomore Marcus Hijkoop is our web manager.

The web manager is a new job we created so that we could post on a more regular basis. The creation of this job has really lessened the load as Editors-in-Chief because along with organizing the class and editing everything, sometimes actually posting the article gets lost in the process. Marcus has really stepped up to the plate so far by helping us refresh the content on every day.

Remember to check out to keep up with all your school news during the month of November! Our next print issue is set to come out within the first few weeks of December.

The EICs