Time rewinds at NCHS

Staff Report

Photos by Danielle Sorcher

School was transformed into a mish-mosh of four different decades on Turn Back the Clock Day, Oct. 20. Freshman dressed as if they were in the ’50s, sophomores ’60s, juniors ’70s, and senior ’80s.

“I knew that ’60s were hippies so I went to party city and went all out,” sophomore Alex Savoca said.
Sophomore Stefan Pla described his ’60s outfit. “I’m sporting a very faded pair of jeans, old converse, and John Lennon glasses, which I’ll probably wear for 70’s… and 80’s,” he said.
“I like 60’s music, and I like tie-dye–it’s a good look for me,” sophomore Sam Reynolds said.
However, some students didn’t dress up. “’70s is really heard because it’s so disco–and I don’t own anything like that,” junior Meghan Callahan said. “I just didn’t think it was worth going out and buying [something].”
Sophomore Azadeh Amir-Aslani said that two of the decades were the best decades to for dressing up. “[The] ’60s and 80s because they have the most stuff going on,” she said.