The ultimate quarantine activity guide

The ultimate quarantine activity guide

Ava Fonss, Editor

With school closed and after-school activities canceled, many of us are stuck at home wondering what to do with all of this free time. While our situation is far from ideal, there are many things that we can still do at home. Here are the ten best ways to stay active and entertained in quarantine.

To keep busy, I have been looking at recipes online and trying them at home. Photo by Ava Fonss

1. Bake/Cook

Cooking and baking are great ways to stay entertained while stuck at home. Click here for an awesome website for quarantine cooking. With this website, you can simply enter the ingredients that you have at home, and the website will suggest recipes using the ingredients that you already have. This is perfect for a time when going to the grocery store can be challenging.

2. Get Outside

Daily walks around the neighborhood are perfect for getting outside. Photo by Ava Fonss

Although after-school activities are canceled and parks are closed, that doesn’t mean that we are trapped in our homes. As we start to get into spring weather, now is the perfect time to go outside and go on a walk or run around the neighborhood to get in some exercise and fresh air. Spending some time outside is the perfect way to not feel confined to your house. 

3. Movie Night

Don’t let closed movie theatres stop you from enjoying a new movie! Bring the movie theatre to your own home by making it as close to the real thing as possible. Make some popcorn, get some soda, turn down the lights, and get cozy with a movie in your very own home! 

Some of the best newly-released movies on Netflix include:

  • The Main Event – The story of a young aspiring wrestler on his journey to becoming a WWE star
  • Coffee and Kareem  – A movie about a new couple in Detroit as the wife’s son plots against his mom’s new boyfriendExtraction (April 24) – Starring Chris Hemsworth, this movie tells the thrilling story of a man who attempts to rescue a crime lord’s son
  • Extraction (April 24) – Starring Chris Hemsworth, this movie tells the thrilling story of a man who attempts to rescue a crime lord’s son

4. Talk to Friends Online

Living in quarantine means no more seeing our friends or other family members face-to-face. However, this doesn’t mean that we have to live in total isolation. Video calls are perfect ways to keep us sane. Group facetimes and Zoom calls have gained much popularity in these past few weeks, and they really are the ideal ways of communicating during this time. Get a few friends together and schedule a time where you can all video chat. Here is a video tutorial on how to create a group facetime with all of your friends. 

5. Yoga/Exercise

Creating an at-home workout space is a perfect way to stay in shape. Photo by Ava Fonss

Yoga and exercise at home can help you keep a healthy mind and body during this crazy time. Here is a link for a quick and easy beginner yoga class that you can take any time at home, and here is a link for a 15-minute at-home workout that requires no equipment. Some of us even have gyms or exercise areas within our own homes, so now is the time to take advantage of them.

6. Spa Day/Self Care

Now is the perfect time to use some of the self-care products that you have around the house. Photo by Ava Fonss

Because we are so busy in our regular day-to-day lives, now that we have more free time, take some time to finally relax with a self-care or spa day. Do a face mask, use a bath bomb, and just take some time to care for yourself. Many of us probably have some of these products lying around, but here is a recipe for an easy bath bomb that you can make in your own home. 

7. Pick up a new skill/hobby

Freshman Alexa Banford has been making these friendship bracelets to occupy her time. Photo contributed by Alexa Banford

With regular activities canceled, now is the perfect time to pick up a new skill or hobby. Do some research online and find something that you might be interested in doing or creating. This can be anything from coloring, knitting or sewing, playing with a camera, or even picking up a new instrument. Find something that you actually enjoy doing, and this will help occupy your free time. 

8. Clean your room/house

Organizing your desk creates the perfect area for distance learning. Photo by Ava Fonss

While this may not seem like the most appealing or interesting thing to do, we are spending a lot of time in our rooms and houses right now, and they can become cluttered very easily. Cleaning up and organizing can help you clear your mind, give you something to do, make you more productive, and even make your parents happy! We’re all spending a lot of time indoors right now, so make it a little bit easier for yourself by staying clean and organized. 

9. Online Shopping

Although malls and physical stores are closed, many stores still have their online sites open. Look around at some of your favorite stores and find what you like. You don’t even need to buy or order anything right now, but it’s a great and fun way to occupy your time and an alternative to going to a store or mall. 

10. Rest!

This one may seem obvious, but take this time to rest and allow your body to regenerate. Keep in mind that you don’t need to constantly be doing something productive while in quarantine. Before this time, many of us were so busy that we got very little time to actually take a break and relax, so take this time and catch up on some much-needed rest!