How to make the most of this spring

How to make the most of this spring

By: Emily Telesco, Blogs Editor

Although it’s (unfortunately) also finals season, spring is undoubtedly the perfect time of year to spend time outside. With summer just on the horizon, the weather is warming up, the sun is setting later, and colorful flowers are blossoming. In fact, late May brings violet Rhododendron blooms to my backyard – as seen above. It truly makes for both a beautiful and relaxing time of the year. So, in case you ever find yourself on a weekend this spring not doing anything, here is a list of a bunch of different activities you can partake in to make the most of this beautiful weather.

  1. Head into the city

NYC in the springtime is truly something special, and in such a huge city there are countless activities. Even so, here is a list of just a few cool things you can try out:

Washington Square Park
  • Admire the fluffy cherry blossom trees + other plants that line neighborhoods in West Village or Brooklyn Heights
  • Go shopping (or window shopping!)
  • Visit the Spring Makers Market at Bryant Park 
  • See a new Broadway show (Broadway just recently opened a whopping 9 new shows!)
  • Watch a performance of “Shakespeare in the Park” at Delacorte Theater in Central Park
Irwin Park
  1. Have a picnic

Spring is a great time to get a few of your friends together and have a picnic in any park. Bring a blanket, food and snacks, some refreshing beverages, and maybe finish it off with some flower vases to make it look pretty. Have fun enjoying the weather, catching up, and eating delicious food.

  1. Try gardening

Flowers and other green plants basically define the spring season. If you want to contribute, first get some pots and seeds from a garden center (some near us include Copia, Designs by Lee.) Plant the seeds in the pots and watch them grow! You can plant flowers or even vegetables like tomatoes, kale, and basil. The spring is a perfect time for this because there’s a sufficient amount of both rain and sunshine. The possibilities of what to plant are endless, and it’s a very rewarding experience.

  1. Go on a bike ride

When was the last time you went on a bike ride? Biking is a great way to exercise and also enjoy the outdoors, and in New Canaan there are so many beautiful streets and parks to choose from. Plus, it’s even more fun with a few friends or family members.

  1. Visit Grace Farms
The Pavilion at Grace Farms

As I’m sure most people are aware, Grace Farms is a beautiful cultural center in New Canaan that is surrounded by nature. There are 80 acres of rolling hills dusted with wildflowers, endless trails to walk on, and captivating buildings. They also offer amazing events every week – from music concerts to yoga classes to art exhibits. 

  1. Read a new book
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Sometimes, there’s nothing better than relaxing with a good book. You can cozy up inside on rainy spring days, or enjoy the warm sunshine outside on the nicer days. However, this is only enjoyable if you have an interesting book. So, If you’re struggling to find a good one to read, I recommend checking out Goodreads for inspiration, or just researching books online based on genres or authors you like. 

All that said, there are endless springtime activities to explore and this list only names a few. Since this time of year can be stressful, it’s important to try to mitigate that anxiety by taking time to do things you enjoy – whether that be relaxing and doing nothing, or trying out an activity from this list.