Katie Tan, Media @KtanCourant The Columbia Scholastic Press Association has been critiquing high school journalism programs for years, and recently they evaluated NCHS’ Courant. All
Tag: courant
NCHS Spirit Week 2017
Caroline Castle, Senior Editor @ccastlecourant
Sundaes in the City: Part 8
Katie Tan, Media Editor @ktancourant https://spark.adobe.com/page-embed.js
The Origins of Spirit Week
Skye Curren, Reporter @esccourant For one week every school year, NCHS is transformed. Instead of student’s usual apparel, the school halls are filled, varying each
NCHS teams up with Carver Kids
Joelle Anselmo, Story Editor Katie Jahns, Reporter @janselmocourant @kmjahns To most kids, a birthday is a celebration filled with presents and cake. However, NCHS student