App of the week: Shazam

Bryn Pennetti
Arts, Entertainment & Technology Editor

Think back – you’re walking through a store and all of a sudden- a song comes on that you really like but you can’t hear it well enough to get the name of it. ‘Is that the chorus? The title has to be in it somewhere… Maybe if I write some of the lyrics down I can search it later…’

We’ve all been there, but Shazam fixes that daily struggle.

App of the Week: Plague Inc.

Bryn Pennetti
Arts, Entertainment & Technology Editor

Have you ever wanted to create a disease and spread it to millions of people? Thousands of others have had the same need as Apple users begin spreading their personally created diseases on the app Plague Inc.

App of the week: Gasbuddy

Julia Hardy
Arts, Entertainment & Technology Editor
We’ve all been there: watching the cost of filling the gas tank reach the $50 mark and saying goodbye to half of last week’s paycheck. With gas prices so high, it’s worth finding the gas station with the least expensive prices and going the extra couple of miles to get there. Luckily, with Gasbuddy, finding the cheapest gas is easy and instant.

App of the week: Snapchat

Julia Hardy
Arts and Entertainment Editor

Stop fighting the urge to share an embarrassing selfie with your friends for fear it will end up public: with Snapchat, you can send any picture instantly to another user and set the amount of time, from one to ten seconds, that the photo is visible. After that time limit is up, the picture is erased forever. The person who sent the picture is alerted if the receiver tries to take a screenshot, so no worries about any photos ending up on Facebook or Twitter.