Summer Art Show success

Bryn Pennetti
Arts, Entertainment & Technology Editor

Amidst adults pacing towards food tables and their children’s classes during Parents’ Night, the Summer Art Show stood prominent in the lobby of NCHS on its opening night, Thursday, September 6. Throughout the evening many stopped to admire the array of artwork produced by students in varying grades, as well as teachers of all positions.

“When I think people can’t be any more talented or creative with what they do, they surprise me,” Assistant Principal Larry Sullivan said. “The photographs and paintings people have done are all beautiful.”

But the main focus of the show was the students who earned the Bernice Dobkin Hall art scholarship. This honor was given to seniors Izzi Schipper, Katie Melland and Gina Tianni for the purpose of creating artwork during this past summer. Each student received a full board in the lobby to present their pieces.

“[The scholarship] helped pay for materials and oil painting is one of the most expensive mediums that you can work with so that was really helpful,” senior Katie Melland said. “Also, the mentality of it was great because it was like- the high school is supporting me with what I do.”

Many were drawn instantly towards the large painting in the middle of the exhibition created by senior Izzi Schipper. “I think [that painting]shows a lot of character and growth on her part,” art teacher Lisa Floryshak-Windman said. “I thought it was pretty much thinking outside the box”.

However all students’ artwork were equally appreciated by the numerous parents who attended the open house. “I’m always impressed when I see the work that the students have done,” parent Bill Erickson said. “Its of unbelievable quality and this year everything seems to have that little touch of creativity, a little something extra.”

The exhibition will run for another five weeks giving students, parents and faculty plenty of time to view the pieces submitted. But it is more than obvious that the artistic community at NCHS had a productive and extensively creative summer.