Students pursue drama opportunities during summer break

Chloe Rippe

Arts, Entertainment and Technology Editor

As students return to the hallways from summer break, a select few are bringing new skills in their dramatic repertoires. Junior Elizabeth Koennecke attended summer theater intensive, Broadway Artists Alliance. “It was an amazing experience,” Elizabeth said. “Since everyone there had to audition to get into the program, we all had a real passion for theatre”.

Juniors Nancy Leville and Elizabeth Koennecke pose with their acting class at Broadway Artists Alliance.

Both Elizabeth and Junior Nancy Leville attended the four-day intensive, prompted by a desire to improve their performance technique. “I hoped to gain more knowledge in acting specifically, although I did work on singing and dancing as well,” Nancy said. “I wanted to get a more intense and thorough experience.”

In order to excel in acting, drama students study various techniques. Elizabeth practiced the Meisner technique during her training at the program. “I really hoped to improve my skills in making my acting more authentic, and kind of did so with the definition of acting, ‘Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances,’” she said.

Nancy and Elizabeth also got to experience real life scenarios that would be typical in the theatre business. “We got to perform for ‘the industry’, which was a group of casting directors and agents who came to see us each perform solo pieces, like monologues, songs, and dance solos,” Elizabeth said.

Senior Rachel Guth attended a different theater intensive, the Cherub Program for Theatre Arts at Northwestern University for a total of 6 weeks, two of them for a musical theatre extension. “I wanted to develop and gain more skills as an actor, as well as learn from incredibly awesome teachers and peers,” she said.

For Rachel, part of achieving her goals included performing in summer productions presented by the program, including Bat Boy the Musical and Rhinoceros by playwright, Eugene Ionesco.

Another major benefit of the programs that Rachel, Nancy and Elizabeth attended was the opportunity to receive feedback from experienced actors and cast members. “We got to work with the best of the best,” Elizabeth said. “I was coached in acting through song with the original Nessarose from the musical, Wicked, Michelle Federer and coached on my cold reading technique by casting director Bob Cline,” she said.

Both Elizabeth and Nancy were able to work with actor Christian Coulson, who plays Tom Riddle in the Harry Potter movie series, during their film acting class.

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Photo Contributed by Rachel Guth
Senior Rachel Guth and program-cast mates rehearse for their production of Bat Boy the Musical.

And while some drama students traveled far for their training, others managed to practice locally. Sophomore Jacob Freedgood dedicated his summer to the Summer Theatre of New Canaan’s apprentice program, in which he was able to study a variety of acting methods. “We had fun exploring new forms of acting like T.V., screenwriting, stage combat, and acting with masks,” he said. “I hope the experience will improve my ability to interpret roles in more shows.”

After rigorous training, students who participated in such theatre programs said they are looking forward to applying what they have learned to the NCHS stage. “I’m excited to use my new audition techniques, new methods and ideas for private rehearsal at home and even share information with my peers,” Elizabeth said. “I will definitely be bringing a lot back to NCHS theatre.”