Stressful senior year calls for… shopping?

Danielle Sorcher

11 06 ryan for headerWhether students are applying to college or waiting to hear back, senior year is a stressful time. A majority juggle their schoolwork, after-school activities, and college applications all at once. Anxiety about college and stress about schoolwork tends to overwhelm many kids. While most senior students look forward to second semester when things lighten up, the beginning of the year can be pretty nerve-wracking. Here are some ways that seniors deal with stress:

turner Turner Baty:
“[I deal with stress] by playing football because it gets my mind off of everything. It releases me.”

“I have no time in the day. I get home and just go to sleep because I’m so tired.”

“I eat a lot. I’m a growing boy.”

11 06 chris white Chris White:
“Well, it depends on the type of stress. But whenever stress comes into my life, I normally kinda take life one step at a time and pace myself, so I don’t get overloaded.”

“I try to concentrate on one thing at a time. It helps me focus.”

11 06 Caitlin Kaitlin Hughes:
“I’m not good at dealing with stress. I get really mad and angry.”

“During volleyball season I hit and I served harder. I try to get my anger out.”

11 06 brian getz Brian Getz:
“I play the drums…that kinda helps. I find that it helps me get nervous energy out. I find time in the day [to play drums]and whenever I really need to.”
11 6 roger Roger Stone:
“I try not to think about it. I try to live my life day by day and to not think about stressful things.”

“I exercise a lot and work out.”

11 06 09 Emily Medhus Emily Medhus:
“[I deal with stress by] hanging out with friends and doing things that don’t require a lot of thinking, like shopping and listening to music.”
11 06 09 Ryan Frattaroli Ryan Frattaroli:
“I kinda like to bottle it up. I kind of don’t deal with it, and then after a while I just let it all out.”

“How do I deal [when I let it out]? Videogames. All day every day. I can’t control most of the things that go on in my life, but when I play videogames, I feel in control.”

11 06 09 Sunny Streep Sunny Streep:
“I’m not really good at dealing with it [stress]. I get overwhelmed really easily.”“It’s important to start college stuff early. A lot of it has to do with managing your time.”

“I dance, so that’s a good place to escape. But with all the work that I’ve had I haven’t really been able to go lately.”

11 06 09 Kaya Kaya Gieniusz:
“I like to go out on the weekends, after a long week of school.”“Actually, I like to go to the Y to alleviate stress, too.”

“I dance, and I like to run on an elliptical. I like to do that every other day. It helps me keep my mind off things.”

11 06 09 Alana Paterson Alana Paterson:
“I like to work out and go to they gym, but if I get really stressed, I like to take a nap for about an hour and then get back to work.”
11 6 09 Jordan Ho Jordan Ho:
“I don’t get stressed. But when I do, I hit things and yell at inanimate objects.”
11 6 09 Hannah Singer Hannah Singer:
“Usually to relax, I watch TV. Just sitting on the couch and doing nothing, and going on iChat every night distracts me when I need a break.”
11 06 09 Hannah Herde Hannah Herde:
“I watch Phineas & Ferb, and I talk to one of my friends on the phone.” “I watch Dancing with the Stars, and I go out into the yard and dance to my ipod. I also finish the work I have to do.”

“Tea is nice too- it can be calming.”

“I try to sleep, and set goals for my grades to meet or exceed.”