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Hope in the Midst of Quarantine; Spain’s Strength and Spirit

Alexandra Harte, Editor-in-Chief

Every weekday, I will be posting bits of hope and positivity from around the world in the midst of the Coronavirus quarantine

The entirety of Spain remains strong, grateful for those who risk their life treating the infected and in high spirits as they refuse to let quarantine take away their daily routines… even working out. People around the world may be quarantined, but Spain proves their determination and gratitude regardless. The entirety of Spain remains strong, grateful for those who risk their life treating the infected and in high spirits as they refuse to let quarantine take away their daily routines… even working out. 

Thunderous applause, whistles, and shouts of appraisal tumble down the streets of Madrid as residents applaud for healthcare workers who are treating Coronavirus victims after a two week nationwide lockdown was issued by the Spanish government. After a call on social media, at 10pm the roar of gratitude could be heard by all.

Let’s get physical! Nothing can stop Selville citizens from staying healthy as a fitness instructor leads an exercise class from the roof of their building.