Homecoming Week

Julia Harvey
Student Coalition President

Student Coalition is currently busy at work on NCHS Fall Homecoming 2010! Homecoming week begins Tuesday, October 26th. That’s right! There will be four spirit days this year!

Tuesday: Clash Day
Wednesday: Clone Day
Thursday: Turn Back the Clock Day
Friday: Red and Black Day

In addition to our spirit days, Student Coalition also holds many other homecoming activities during spirit week to unite the school! Friday morning, the lounge will be decorated with our annual decorating competition! Each grade will be represented by their own creation to celebrate their school spirit! After the pep rally Friday afternoon, students can look forward to bonfire Friday night where candy, hot cocoa, popcorn and baked goods will be accompany the fantastic student music! The Homecoming Dance will be Saturday night, October 29th. Student Coalition has worked hard to make sure every student will have as much fun as the next with a great DJ and spirited atmosphere. Homecoming dance tickets will be sold during lunch the week of October 25th.

Look out for your Homecoming king and queen ballots during your English classes Thursday and Friday October 21st and 22nd! The winners will be announced at pep rally!

We hope that Homecoming is a major success for the whole student body and a great kick-off for the fall! Watch out for more upcoming Student Coalition activities soon!