Giuliana Savini
Multimedia Editor
On Saturday, Mar. 24, The Outback Teen Center hosted hip-hop duo Aer. The event was hosted by a former student, Dj Ryyan Hova T, who introduced the performers and filled the extra time with his original beats.
Find out what’s going on at NCHS.
Giuliana Savini
Multimedia Editor
On Saturday, Mar. 24, The Outback Teen Center hosted hip-hop duo Aer. The event was hosted by a former student, Dj Ryyan Hova T, who introduced the performers and filled the extra time with his original beats.
Julia Hardy and Monica Nair
Starting on Feb. 25 and running through Mar. 9, class registration was made available online for the first time for student access. Through the use of Powerschool Portal, students could choose classes, view the program of studies book and request a reconsideration of their placement.
Giuliana Savini
Multimedia Editor
On Feb. 23, the sixth annual Technology Night (Tech Night) was held in the cafeteria and the Wagner Room and was attended by over 400 students, parents and teachers alike. This event, the brainchild of Director of Technology Robert Miller and South School’s Technology Integrator Ronna Van Veghal, allows students to showcase the ways in which they use and create technology to enhance learning in and out of school. Likewise, teachers are given the opportunity to present how they are using technology to facilitate learning in the classroom.
Giuliana Savini, Emily Brand, Isabel Lawrence & Kate Howard
The weekend before break is jammed packed with several activities. With such events like the Aer concert, the Senior Prom Fashion Show, and Scholarship Sunday, there’s plenty to do.
Kate Howard & Monica Nair
News Editor & Reporter
On Feb. 29, over the course of three periods, students from Michael Staffaroni’s U.S. history class engaged themselves in various interactive stations portraying topics of the 1920s. The goal of this assignment was for each pair of students to deliver a presentation to their classmates in a creative manner as an alternative to sitting in a classroom.