NCAA Tournament Review

Ben Stryker
Staff Cartoonist

“That was the most incredible game of basketball I have ever seen in my life. Incredibly bad. “

“It was the worst. Ever…ever.”

These are the things I heard in school the day following the championship game, but I completely disagree.

That’s right, true believer; I thought Monday night’s game between UConn and Butler was some of the most entertaining basketball of the entire tournament.

Let the kids play

Scott O’Brien
Sports Editor

Growing up, the number one rule is that parents know everything. However, in some cases this precedent needs to be thrown in the fire alongside your vintage number 23 Bulls jersey.

I hate to break it to the parenting world but its pretty evident that not every one of you averaged 20 points a game in high school, and even fewer of you played in college.

This Month, 10 Years Ago

Charlie Dorf
Arts and Entertainment Editor

During the spring, the film industry often undergoes a kind of semi-hibernation. The Oscars are over, so no one is releasing any major award contenders, but it’s too early for the summer blockbusters of the Transformers and Iron Man ilk. So, as the movie scene is somewhat pallid at the moment, let us look back to this same month, ten years ago, at one of my favorite guilty pleasures of all time

The best football team in Connecticut?

Logan Phillips
Senior Editor

Over the past five years, Rams football has won four state championships, maintained a .89 winning percentage and averaged less than one-and-a-half losses a year. These numbers are, quite simply, unfathomable. But while you can make the argument that this has been the best football dynasty in New Canaan history, dominating the FCIAC and Connecticut sports is nothing new for the Rams.

Top ten Facebook party fouls

Ellen Trinklein
Opinions Editor

Facebook is a great, albeit addicting, tool. We all know the benefits—you can meet up with old friends, post pictures, and become an excellent and proficient stalker. However, there is a set of unwritten rules—or perhaps they are just my pet peeves—of what’s acceptable and what’s not on a Facebook page. It’s time these rules be written down and my pet peeves be addressed.