Alexandra Harte, Editor-in-Chief @aharte_courant Every weekday, I will be posting bits of hope and positivity from around the world in the midst of the Coronavirus
Author: Alexandra Harte
I am a senior at New Canaan High School and Editor-in-Chief of the Courant. My more popular works have been my "Hope in the Midst of Quarantine" blog and feature story "In Sickness and in Health". In my free time, I am part of the NCHS theatre program and have participated in 8 shows, two of which I choreographed. I love science and plan on pursuing it as a Genetics/Genomics major at UC Davis next year.
Hope in the Midst of Quarantine; An Exciting Exchange
Alexandra Harte, Editor-in-Chief @aharte_courant Every weekday, I will be posting bits of hope and positivity from around the world in the midst of the Coronavirus
Hope in the Midst of Quarantine; Grocery Greatness
Alexandra Harte, Editor-in-Chief @aharte_courant Every weekday, I will be posting bits of hope and positivity from around the world in the midst of the Coronavirus
Hope in the Midst of Quarantine; Scottish Sweetness
Alexandra Harte, Editor-in-Chief @aharte_courant Every weekday, I will be posting bits of hope and positivity from around the world in the midst of the Coronavirus
Hope in the Midst of Quarantine; Pollution Plummets
Alexandra Harte, Editor-in-Chief @aharte_courant Every weekday, I will be posting bits of hope and positivity from around the world in the midst of the Coronavirus