Your eyes and ears of the Student Coalition

DollyHi Rams!

I’m afraid I have some bad news…unfortunately we had to cancel this year’s holiday dance (the Frost Fest) because we couldn’t sell enough tickets. Last year was the first time ever we had to cancel the dance, and now it seems like it has become an unfortunate tradition. We really would have liked to sell tickets to the dance, because the money was supposed to be donated to Toys For Tots. This week, we are now going to have to give money back to the people who bought tickets. If you would like to donate the money to Toys For Tots anyway, just let us know. It’s a shame that this dance hasn’t been run for two years now. It used to be one of the most popular dances at school. I hope that next year the Student Coalition can come up with a creative way to motivate people to want to go to the dance.

Also, the freshmen class is selling NCHS Christmas tree ornaments so make sure to get in touch with freshmen class representatives or the freshman class advisors Mrs. Shultz and Mr. Gallo. Secondly, there is a sophomore class bake sale coming up soon, so 2012 make sure you support your class! Upperclassmen classes have nothing to report. In January, juniors and all of us seniors will start planning for our respective proms…let the “prama” begin!

See you around school,
