Updates to the Athletic Facilities Change the Game Experience

Updates to the Athletic Facilities Change the Game Experience

Alexandra Harte, Reporter

This past summer, the New Canaan High School Athletics Department made multiple new additions to the gym, stadium, and track. All of the new updates are an effort to improve the overall game experience for both the athletes and the spectators, either at home or on the sidelines.

The gym floor had not been updated since the late 1960’s, making the new floor a priority over the summer. Photo by Emma Shullman.

State of the art Pixellot cameras were installed in both the gym and stadium so that parents at home can have easy access to the games through a streaming website where they are uploaded. “Two cameras take pictures of the entire area and then software stitches the pictures together and follows the action,” athletic director Jay Egan said. “It is through a national group called the National Federation of High School Sports broadcasting group.”

Basketball coach Daniel Melzer said, “It gives parents an opportunity to see games when they can’t make it, whether they’re traveling or the Freshman and Junior Varsity games are too early and parents are still working.”

In order to afford the Pixellot cameras, the Allsport Booster Club made a large investment. “They facilitated this streaming capability we have, it’s really important to know that they covered the entire cost,” Egan said.

In addition to the new cameras, a scoreboard and improved floor were introduced to the gym. “The gym went from a relatively older looking gym to a very nice looking gym, and the design of it came out well,” Melzer said. “I believe that our floor is the nicest floor in the FCIAC so I’m really excited about it.”

The improved surface of the track includes 8 lanes of flexible asphalt rather than the previous 7 lanes. Photo by Emma Shullman

As for the track, the surface has been ripped down to the drainage pipes in order to repave the surface with asphalt. The ‘d-zones’ on the curves of either side of the field were also redone. Not to mention the fact that the new jumping pits for long jump, high jump and pole vault doubled the amount of jumping facilities. “We also put in new throwing facilities out in the soccer fields. We have a new shot put circle, discus circle and runway off the track for our javelin,” track coach Jeff Brentson said. “It’s an entirely new redesigned facility.” By next year the athletic department hopes to have bleachers for the spectators, which would allow New Canaan to host meets such as the United States Track and Field Championships.

But there is another use for the updated track field other than practice. When teams are not practicing on the track, with the help of low-level lighting, people in the town can use the track for evening runs. “It wouldn’t be for competition so much as it is for the community who can use this into the evening. It’s a nice, well done and well-needed facility,” Brentson said.