This is (my) São Paulo

This is (my) São Paulo

This poem was written by the NCHS Courant’s News Editor, sophomore Aleena Nasruddin.

Me as a young girl who
picks lychees off of trees,
collects brown leaves from the floor,
runs away from humming bees, and
eats breakfast under sunrises next
to Dad in a blue button-down shirt who
packs his mouth with quaker-oats,
scoops papaya from its shell,
shifts his mouth into a light smile,
and forms creases at the corners of his eyes
while he picks up his suitcase that
Mom packed for him,
singing off-key to Bollywood pieces and
waiting until the pot of chicken starts to sizzle,
taking me to the grocery store solely
to speak Portuguese to the clerks and not
trusting me to push the cart around the
baskets of piled fruit that lay face down
and are picked away into eager Hands
that rummage around
looking for lost keys.