The Winter-Lover’s Bucketlist

The Winter-Lover’s Bucketlist

Olivia Flaherty-Lovy, Reporter

NC isn’t exactly famous for its winters. If you’ve ever been to Vermont, or Utah, or some snow-capped European country, you’ll agree the three to four months labeled “winter” in Connecticut are nothing compared to the freezing temperatures and five-foot downfalls other places get. Winter in Connecticut is more about the struggle of trying to scrape frost off windows in the morning, the patches of black ice that linger until early March, the frantic cycle of hearing rumors of snow days, checking the snow day calculator, going to bed full of hope and waking up full of disappointment. However, this just means that when snow does fall in New Canaan, it just means that we need to take full advantage when it does happen. Here are a couple tried and true ways to make the most of whatever winter NC has.

Nature Skates

Whether you’re part of the high school hockey team or can barely lace up skates, skating on local ponds and lakes is one of the best ways to get into the winter spirit and spend time with friends and family. The best local outdoor skating rinks in New Canaan (granted, as long as they’re frozen solid) include the ponds at Mead Park, Waveny, and Mill Pond. 

The pond at Waveny is a good option for outdoor skating as well, though it would probably be wise to let the ice get a little more solid than it is here. Photo by Olivia Flaherty-Lovy

Safety First!

Outdoor skating can be a lot of fun, as long as you’re not in danger of falling through the ice. To make sure everything’s safe, here are a few expert-approved tips, courtesy of the Department of Natural Resources. 

Look for posted signs

New Canaan is usually pretty good about posting signs that indicate whether or not the ice is open to public skating. As tempting as it might seem, if the sign says no skating, it probably isn’t the best idea to jump on the ice right away. If the temperature keeps dropping and the sign stays up, though, that’s normally a sign to live a little more on the edge and explore some less-regulated ponds.

Take it on yourself: Use a tape measure

Before you break out your tape measure, you may need to break out a drill, or really sharp stick, and create a hole in the ice. The harder it is to break through the ice, the more likely it’s safe to skate on, but don’t stop there. Insert the tape measure into the hole until you hit water. Then, look at the markings of the tape measure. The guidelines are as follows:

3 or less inches: Not safe yet

4 inches: probably safe for skating

5 or more inches: Definitely solid…go for it!

 2.  Food!

Baking is a lot more fun with siblings, but if that’s not an option, feel free to invite a parent or friend in for the fun. Photo by Olivia Flaherty-Lovy

Forget your new years resolutions- winter is, in my opinion, the best time for baking all year. Though you’re welcome to get complicated and fancy in the kitchen, I find that it’s generally more fun and manageable to stick to the basics. Here is one of the easiest ways to get brownie points with your parents or siblings: cookies!

Baking is a lot more fun with siblings, but if that’s not an option, feel free to invite a friend or parent in for the fun.

1. Gather 1 cup of butter, 1/2 cup cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 1/2 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup oats, and as many raisins as you want

2. Mix everything into a bowl and beat until the mixture is brown and sticky.

3.Refrigerate the dough for 1 hour

4. Spoon the batter into small circles on the pan and bake at 350 degrees for 10-20 minutes

Let cool for 15 minutes



Who needs a holiday to have fun with crafts? These igloos are easy for kids of all ages and don’t need to be made around any particular holiday. Photo by Olivia Flaherty-Lovy

3. Marshmallow Igloos

Here’s another fun, winter-inspired craft you can make with younger siblings, or on your own if you’re really feeling it (again, we won’t judge.)

  1. Gather materials (a styrofoam cup, a bag of mini marshmallows, Elmers glue)
  2. Cut a small hole in one side of the cup. It can be shaped any way you like, whether it’s an open-bottomed rectangle or more of a circle
  3. Glue mini marshmallows all around the cup
  4. Let the creation dry for 10-20 minutes before moving it, then have fun spicing up your home with a little arts and crafts fun!