The Mystery of Edwin Drood commercials

Catherine Chiocchi
Arts Editor

The Drama Department has put together its “most innovative PR scheme yet” to build excitement for its upcoming production of The Mystery of Edwin Drood. For the first time, the Department has worked with NCTV to produce nine commercials in which eight faculty members act, as leading players in the show “murder” them one by one. Life-size pictures of the principle characters have also been tacked throughout the school to encourage students to pick their favorite suspect in the onstage “whodunit” mystery.

The first commercial will air on The Morning Announcements today, March 5th. Starting this week, two commercials will air each day on the Courant Online until opening night on March 11th.

Crisp Senior Philip Pacelli as the Reverend Crisparkle
Helena Junior Ashley Pacelli as Helena Landless
Puffer Senior Abigail Schwarz as Princess Puffer mixes deadly potions in biology teacher Reka Cebulski’s class.
Rosa Senior Brooke Singman as Rosa Bud in prepares to kill math teacher Atilla Levai.
Neville Senior Dylan Hsu as Neville Landless impaling Asst. Principal Ari Rothman
Jasper Senior Jelani Alladin as John Jasper sits down for a suspicious cup of tea with Librarian Michelle Luhtala
Durdles Senior Will Frick and sophomore Nick Van Nest as Durdles and Deputy