The Health Corner: A How-To on Improving Eating Habits

The Health Corner: A How-To on Improving Eating Habits

Serena Platt, Reporter

“The diet starts tomorrow.” This is a phrase we hear all the time, and may even be guilty of saying. As much as most of us wish to make changes to our eating schedules, we’re oftentimes overcome by the temptation to reach for the extra cookie in the cookie jar. Especially now during the pandemic and stuck at home, the pantry seems to be closer than ever. Despite this, there are a few tips and tricks of the trade to build a meal schedule filled with some healthier options. 

In my experience navigating the “food world”, I have found that two main factors impact how stable and sustainable your diet is: how much you eat – portion control – as well as what you eat. While these seem simple and obvious, acknowledging both is critical to eating better and will help you set up goals.

First, portion control. While regulating how much you eat can take many different forms, it doesn’t necessarily mean checking serving size on everything you consume. As for me, I know that I sometimes check the serving size of something like pistachios or chips, just so I don’t end up consuming 10 servings without knowing. As an alternative to checking nutritional labels, I highly recommend using dishes for pretty much anything you eat. If you’re eating chips, place them in a bowl instead of eating out of the bag, which can prevent the “eating-the-entire-bag-without-knowing-it” problem. Portion control is a great habit for wellbeing, regardless of the fact if you’re looking to lose weight or not. Additionally, you should drink 16 ounces, or a big glass of water before you eat, which will help fill you up faster and require you to eat less food to feel full. It’s suggested that you also use “portion-control dinnerware,” which essentially means eating food on a regular-sized dinner plate or bowl so you can be aware of how much food you’re ready to consume.

While portion control is important, arguably more so is what you’re actually portioning out. Plus, in my opinion the more fun part of healthy eating is finding the nutritious, but tasty foods to eat! Personal favorites of mine include apples and peanut butter, rice cakes (specifically harvest cheddar), as well as veggie chips. Carrots and hummus are a good option too, but for some people that’s too much vegetable!

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Whether or not you try out these snacks, look for ones with a lower sugar content, but know that oftentimes brands will advertise less sugar, but end up replacing the sugar with something else such as aspartame, or fake sugar. Personally, I tend to glance at nutrition labels, and while you don’t have to, they do give you a good sense of protein, sugar, carbs, and fat content (which is generally what I look for). A little sugar is okay though; peanut butter has some sugar, but I have it almost every day for its protein. Healthline, an online website, recommends tons of healthy snacks like these as well, including dark chocolate and almonds, which I have yet to try together! 

While all of these options are great, it is most important to make sure you get every meal in each day. If you struggle with how much food you consume, I recommend starting out slow and planning out your 3-4 meals (perhaps using the planner below!), and then slowly incorporating these more nutritious options into your habits.

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Healthy eating doesn’t have to be the New Year’s Resolution you choose to never do. It also doesn’t have to be as restrictive as it seems! One of the best ways to create a sustainable diet is to choose foods you enjoy eating, and find the middle ground between delicious and healthy. Oftentimes, there are tons of foods that will be both! Counting calories and checking serving sizes intensely won’t always get the job done. In my opinion, watch out for high-sugar foods that you can consume quickly, and lay out a meal plan! I designed a weekly meal plan to map out your choices that you can print out and use too! Good luck!