Olivia Flaherty-Lovy, Reporter @ofl_courant Since the Sandy Hook Massacre on December 14, 2012, there have been at least 239 school shootings across the nation that
Tag: trump
The internet’s satirical responses to arming teachers in America
Allie Neugeboren, Editor in Chief @alneugiecourant The most recent school shooting took the lives of 17 children from Florida’s Stoneman Douglas High School and ushered
After federal order rolls back Title IX guidelines, Gov. Malloy moves to protect transgender rights
Reilly O’Neill, Blogs Editor @roneillcourant For most students, using the bathroom is simple: leave class, walk into the nearest boys or girls room, and take
An overview on the rollback of DACA
Reilly O’Neill, Senior Editor @RONeillCourant The United States is seven months into the Trump administration, and his promise to end the Deferred Action for Childhood
Finding a future after the 2016 presidential election
Caroline Knightly and Holly Santero, Senior Editors @KnightlyCourant @SanteroCourant After learning that Donald Trump will be our president for the next four years, the reactions