Trey Oehmler: a self-taught technology mastermind

Julia Hardy
Arts, Entertainment & Technology

While New Canaan has its share of lacrosse stars and ivy-bound scholars, the role of the technology guru is less commonly found. Yet, freshman Trey Oehmler is more than able to fill this role. Among his many accomplishments, the website, named him one of the youngest tech prodigies in the nation for work he completed at age 12.

Online class registration aims to facilitate student demand

This year, to fill courses more effectively, class registration was, for the first time, online. Not only did students have more time to select classes through their PowerSchool accounts, introduced last year for online access to grades and attendance, the administration and guidance department now have more accurate computerized data to better facilitate student demand.

Please mind your manners and thank you for reading

Kelly Saiz

Maybe it’s my mother’s southern roots or maybe it’s the fact that I’ve lived in Ye Olde NC for the past eleven years, but I grew up with a plethora of books about manners, cotillion, and Walter Schalk’s Ballroom Dance Class (who didn’t love getting their feet stomped on or waltzing with their arch nemesis?). Chivalry might be dead, but I’m definitely not the only one in NCHS who thinks about manners.

Tech Night highlights student ingenuity

Giuliana Savini
Multimedia Editor

On Feb. 23, the sixth annual Technology Night (Tech Night) was held in the cafeteria and the Wagner Room and was attended by over 400 students, parents and teachers alike. This event, the brainchild of Director of Technology Robert Miller and South School’s Technology Integrator Ronna Van Veghal, allows students to showcase the ways in which they use and create technology to enhance learning in and out of school. Likewise, teachers are given the opportunity to present how they are using technology to facilitate learning in the classroom.