Isabella Madrid, Reporter@imadridcourant Olivia Carofano, Reporter@ocarofano32144 The 1989 album originally coming out in 2014 was a pivotal moment in her career debuting her official transition
Tag: taylor swift
The Eras Tour takes the big screen
Tahlia Scherer, Features Editor @tscherercourant Danielle O’Malley, Managing Editor @domalley_ The Eras Tour took the world by storm this summer, becoming the highest grossing tour
Outfits inspired by music
Bridget Flatow, Reporter@bflatowcourant
Ranking Speak Now by Taylor Swift
Abigail Cushman and Cece Easley @Abigailccourant @Virginiaeas First of all… HAPPY MIDNIGHTS RELEASE EVERYBODY. We hope you’ve been enjoying Taylor’s new, energy-charged album just as
Ranking Fearless (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift
Abigail Cushman and Cece Easley@abigailccourant @Virginiaeas As avid Swifties, devoted to all that is Taylor Swift, we have decided to share our support for this