A panel of five veterans from various wars shared their individual experiences with the hardships of combat at the annual Veteran’s Day assembly. The assembly took place Thursday, Nov. 8 and was attended by students from AP U.S. History and American Studies classes.
Tag: News
Twitter gives freshmen a new way to learn
Twitter is used as a social media web-site for saying what is on your mind, getting the latest celebrity gossip and following famous people who we look up to. But now, our library has implemented Twitter into freshmen’s routine of schoolwork and getting up to date on school news.
Tech Night highlights student ingenuity
Giuliana Savini
Multimedia Editor
On Feb. 23, the sixth annual Technology Night (Tech Night) was held in the cafeteria and the Wagner Room and was attended by over 400 students, parents and teachers alike. This event, the brainchild of Director of Technology Robert Miller and South School’s Technology Integrator Ronna Van Veghal, allows students to showcase the ways in which they use and create technology to enhance learning in and out of school. Likewise, teachers are given the opportunity to present how they are using technology to facilitate learning in the classroom.
Dr. Abbey announces his retirement
Kate Howard and Lily Kazemi
News Editors
On Oct. 12, Superintendent of Schools David Abbey announced his retirement. Dr. Abbey will officially end his term on July 1 after serving the NCPS school system for nearly twenty years.
Kate Howard and Lily Kazemi give the low down on News
Kate Howard and Lily Kazemi
News Editors
NCHS finally opened its doors to students on Tuesday, September 6, after an extended week of summer due to Hurricane Irene. We had been busy assembling the news section in preparation for September long before August 31, the original NCPS start date in 2011. Not discouraged by the storm, the faculty and students had high spirits about meeting their teachers, adjusting to their schedule and getting back into the routine of waking up at 6:30 every morning. September has provided much material for our section.