Spring has sprung at Caren Forbes!

Harrison Burt
Blogs Editor

The beginning of any season brings an exciting opportunity to clear out your closet and make way for a contemporary and exciting wardrobe. But in the end, Spring tops all others. After months of Barbour jackets and Frey boots, students everyone can peel off the sweaters and leggings to begin their fashion rebirth. In a time of year fraught with endless colors, patterns, material and design possibilities, Spring is the time to really make a mark.

Choosing the Right Patagonia for You

Harrison Burt
Blogs Editor

In a town like New Canaan, choosing clothing can get complicated. It’s important to know when the mixing too many JCrew and Vineyard pieces together can make you look like a Ken doll, and when your WASPy-casual Burberry cardigan goes too far. As much as I appreciate a good patchwork belt and Jack Wills back pack, it is imperative that we incorporate more athletic pieces into our wardrobe, every once in a while. That’s when we go to Patagonia.