The Ten Commandments of High School

Kit Clemente & Giuliana Savini

We all know that there are unwritten rules in high school. But by senior year, when all your attention is being focused towards orientation in August, you begin to recognize the ways that you’ve been living your life. As we descend from Mount Sinai, with glowing rays of light emanating from behind our holy heads, we present to you the ten most important of the high school commandments.

Spring has sprung at Caren Forbes!

Harrison Burt
Blogs Editor

The beginning of any season brings an exciting opportunity to clear out your closet and make way for a contemporary and exciting wardrobe. But in the end, Spring tops all others. After months of Barbour jackets and Frey boots, students everyone can peel off the sweaters and leggings to begin their fashion rebirth. In a time of year fraught with endless colors, patterns, material and design possibilities, Spring is the time to really make a mark.