Kit Clemente
Every Wednesday, junior Molly Stine teaches third graders as a Walter Schalk instructor. Every moment is bittersweet, knowing that when she moves onto college she will miss the program and all it has offered. Other NCHS students are less dejected about moving on, as some admitted to participating in certain activities or taking certain classes solely to build their resumes.
$cholarship $unday
Isabel Lawrence and Emily Brand News Reporters On Sunday, Mar. 26, NCHS will host the annual scholarship drive where students go door to door to
Class registration enters the technology age
Julia Hardy and Monica Nair
Starting on Feb. 25 and running through Mar. 9, class registration was made available online for the first time for student access. Through the use of Powerschool Portal, students could choose classes, view the program of studies book and request a reconsideration of their placement.
Sweet Charity production underway
Kit Clemente
Beginning on Mar. 8 and running through Mar. 10, the high school theater will perform their Spring production, Sweet Charity. The play is based off the original musical movie written by Neil Simon and directed and choreographed by Bob Fosse. It’s the story of a young woman, Charity, who supports herself as a dance call hostess and tirelessly searches for love.
Search for superintendent extends to the community
Tyler Kendall
Since Superintendent of Schools David Abbey announced his retirement on Oct. 12, a Superintendent Search Committee has been set up to make a decision regarding his successor. In search of feedback and input from the community, the committee has scheduled seven focus groups to be held primarily at the high school.