Here’s a newflash: the easy life of the second semester senior is a lie. I’ve been doing mountains of homework since year one in high
Tag: meredith luchs
Is competition crushing us?
Meredith Luchs, Reporter @mluchscourant Writing this article, I feel I’ve put myself in a dangerous position. I can already hear the arguments about capitalism and
Things every NCHS student can relate to
Meredith Luchs, Reporter @mluchscourant As a senior at NCHS, I feel that I have come to truly understand the NCHS experience. I’ve studied intensely, learned
NCHS needs to view students as people, not products
Meredith Luchs, junior Do you think that NCHS cares whether or not you’ve had a good day? Not the teachers, not your classmates, but
NCHS artists clean up at State Art Awards
Jenny Levine Arts, Entertainment, and Technology Editor @JALevineCourant This time of year might be Hollywood’s award season frenzy; but for NCHS art students, the CT