Sequester Blues

Juan Pablo Rivera Garza
Blogs Editor

Sequestration is an event some have compared to economic calamity unseen since the ’08-’07 market bust. For the past few weeks the President and his allies (primarily members of his cabinet) have hammered the Republican leadership for a perceived “lack of cooperation” to resolve the sequestration. But are all these claims just hyperbole? Are they an attempt by the President and his allies to gain a political advantage over the already bloodied Republicans? Here’s what you need to know:

What Does the New Year Have In Store?

Juan Pablo Rivera Garza
Senior Political Analyst/Blogs Editor

In the first few weeks of the New Year, the political world has been shaken by multiple issues. The rest of the year will be filled with a great amount of debate, and hopefully comprehensive pieces of legislation, here’s what you need to know;

What’s next in Washington?

With the re-election of President Barack Obama already long past, the issues of the fiscal cliff, crisis situations in the Middle East, and the still recovering job market are back on the forefront of the national conversation. These complex issues at times are difficult to parse through, and there’s no question that they are going to be difficult to resolve. Here’s what’s important:

DNC 2012

Juan Pablo Rivera Garza
Blogs Editor

On the heels of a successful Republican National Convention, a looming jobs report, and an economy that is still deeply suffering, Democrats were put in the spotlight to throw a convention miracle. The stakes were high: Barack Obama had to convince the American people to give him four more years to put the economy on track. Without a doubt, this convention met and exceeded expectations with its line-up of effective prime-time speakers. Could this be the turning point of the election?

Midterm election keeps CT Democrats in office

Kelly Saiz
News Editor

Last Tuesday, November 2nd America voted in the midterm elections. The Democrats maintained their majority in the Senate but the Republicans gained control over the House of Representatives. According to Yahoo and Google News, as of this coming January, the Republicans will hold 239 seats to the Democrats’ 188 seats in the House. The Democrats will have 53 seats to the Republicans’ 46 in the Senate.