Spectator called excellent by NCTE

spec cover

Tyler Kendall and Ted O’Rourke

Editors for Spectator Literary Magazine

Who thinks Spec is awesome? Not just students, but the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), too! According to a letter from NCTE, The NCHS Spectator Literary Magazine received, “a rank of Excellent in the 2013 NCTE Program to Recognize Excellence in Student Literary Magazines.” C’mon, it’s kind of exciting.

So here’s your chance to have your work be seen and to become part of a legacy. We encourage all NCHS students to submit creative writing or artwork to our new email address at: nchs.spectator@ncps-k12.org. It’s a pretty cool thing to be part of something that helps celebrate the vibrancy of a school community, but it’s an even cooler thing when your hard work and efforts are recognized nationally.

Here is an awesome photograph by Senior Elizabeth Perry that was featured in our AWARD WINNING publication of Spec last year.
