Tyler Kendall
Since Superintendent of Schools David Abbey announced his retirement on Oct. 12, a Superintendent Search Committee has been set up to make a decision regarding his successor. In search of feedback and input from the community, the committee has scheduled seven focus groups to be held primarily at the high school.
According to the New Canaan Superintendent Search Press Release these forums will help the committee define the desired qualities of the next leader. “A very important first step in the process is to identify the most important characteristics we will need and be looking for in our new superintendent,” it stated.
As a supplement to the focus groups, an online survey will be made accessible from Jan. 9-13 on the New Canaan Public Schools website. The committee encourages community members to address their opinions by completing the survey, especially if they are unable to attend a focus group meeting. The information gathered will be compiled and sent to the Board of Education members and the search committee. This information will help the committee to better gauge an understanding of the community’s interests.