Ramstock returns with a rocking lineup

Kate Howard & Emilie Kushner
Editor-in-chief & Senior Editor

On May 18, students took a break from their homework and gathered in the gym from 7:00- 9:00 p.m. to support the Student Coalition’s (StuCo) annual Ramstock. The winners will be announced tomorrow.

This year’s lineup included current students and staff as well as a New Canaan alumni band, “Love Via Dance Machine”, who are recently coming off their tour with Drake Bell. This band features NCHS alumni Alex Badanes, along with bandmates Jimmy Coberly, Izaiah Yelle and Wiley Esten.

Chinese classes introduce language to third graders

Kate Howard
News Editor

On Mar. 28, the Chinese classes visited all three elementary schools to expose third graders to this ancient and increasingly important language at an early age through a 30-minute presentation. Participants created a storybook, which they read to their class in both Chinese and English, then followed the presentation up by engaging the children in story-related games about vocabulary and Chinese characters. The designed lessons included teaching animals, numbers, transportation and food in Chinese.

Dr. Kolek named superintendent of NCPS

Kate Howard & Lily Kazemi
News Editors

On Mar. 19, after a national search, Chair of the New Canaan Board of Education Hazel Hobbs announced the unanimous selection of Dr. Mary Kolek as the new Superintendent of the New Canaan Public Schools (NCPS). Effective July 1, Dr. Kolek will be the first female superintendent for this district.

U.S. history class explores the Roaring Twenties

Kate Howard & Monica Nair
News Editor & Reporter

On Feb. 29, over the course of three periods, students from Michael Staffaroni’s U.S. history class engaged themselves in various interactive stations portraying topics of the 1920s. The goal of this assignment was for each pair of students to deliver a presentation to their classmates in a creative manner as an alternative to sitting in a classroom.

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