Parents’ Night 2012


Emily Brand & Isabel Lawrence
New Editors

On Sept. 6, the annual Parents’ Night was held at NCHS as an opportunity for parents to meet their childrens’ teachers. From 6:30-7 in the auditorium, there was an orientation for the parents of 9th grade students to welcome them to the high school. Following, from 7:15-9:10 parents followed their children’s schedules, meeting with periods 1-8 respectively. Each class was 10 minutes long with a 5 minute passing time in between. Members of the National Honor Society were present tonight to help parents navigate through the halls.

NCHS Principal Dr. Bryan Luizzi emphasized why he thinks the annual Parents’ Night is such an important factor in our school’s community. “Parents’ Night gives us an opportunity to show the parents the programs we offer the students, to give a chance for the parents to meet the teachers, to learn about the classes, what they’ll be learning,  and make that connection between school and home,” Dr. Luizzi said. “Hopefully parents become more comfortable in talking with their sons and daughters about the class and also contacting teachers and being partners in the educational experience.”

English teacher Evan Remely explained how he prepared his presentation for Parents’ Night. “I think Parents’ Night is very brief,” Mr. Remely said. “But all kidding aside, usually I just prepare a very brief presentation that takes about 5 minutes to overview expectations and communication. I almost never get a chance to finish because we run out of time. So, that’s my preparation model.”

According to English department head Heidi D’Acosta, the most valuable part of Parents’ Night is the ability for parents to see the everyday life of their students. “They walk around and get to see the whole school,” Ms. D’Acosta said. “They get to see what the gym is, the facilities the library has. They really get to see through their childrens’ eyes what it’s like to be a student at New Canaan High School, and I think that’s very exciting.”

Social Studies department head Richard Webb used the night to connect with his students’ parents. “I think they want to have a sense of who their children are spending 48 minutes 4 to 5 times a week with,” Mr. Webb said. “It’s important to have that human contact so that they see that the teacher doesn’t sprout horns and is colored red with a pitch fork. So, I like that part of it.”

Mother to 2 high school students, Andrea Chalon was excited at how involved the teachers were in the NCHS community. “All of the teachers are very passionate about what they’re teaching, and that makes it exciting,” Andrea said. “I want to go back to high school!”

With the freshman orientation, class tours, and food and drinks provided in the lounge, the annual Parents’ Night once again proved to be a hit. Mr. Webb summarized the night, “It’s a late night, but it’s a good night.”

Photo by Isabel Lawrence