Don’t faint! The search for the perfect prom dress

Danielle Sorcher

Junior and senior prom are coming up, and quickly. The juniors are scrambling to find dates for their April prom, and the seniors are waiting for their turn in May. Though both proms are both a little ways away, girls have already begun searching for their perfect dresses.

Prom dress shopping started fairly early. “When did I start looking? Last year,” junior Katie Van Veghel said. “No, but really…”

“And a Child Shall Lead” participates at Connecticut Drama Association Festival

Francesca DeRosa

This weekend, the cast and crew of the fall drama And a Child Shall Lead took their play to Greenwich High School for the Connecticut Drama Association (CDA) festival. They performed at 3:30 in the afternoon on Friday, the first of eleven participating schools.

Junior Nick Zanca, who played Martin Lowy, explained how unusual it was to perform the show twice and in two different venues. “What’s interesting about this show compared to other shows I’ve been in at the high school is that the rehearsal process was elongated,” he said. “After our run of the show in October, I wasn’t as upset as I usually get after the final performance, because we all knew we had more to do with the show. Once we got back into rehersal about a month ago and started cutting, everything was already memorized. We all knew this show like the back of our hands…”

Tag you’re it! Your Facebook photos and you

Peter Lacerenza
Features Editor

It can be said on any Sunday afternoon while students are still holding off on doing their homework, that browsing through photo albums of the weekend’s parties on Facebook is an unofficial pastime of sorts. While the contents of the photos may range from squeaky clean to questionable, there is usually a common theme.

“When I go to my news feed, I usually see an album name usually involving an inside joke that consists of ‘ruit, loose girls in scanty outfits and gentlemen with profanities written all over their faces after they’ve passed out,” sophomore Thomas Rochlin said…

Sleep deprivation: My life as a homework zombie

As you walk into the high school in the morning, it seems as though you’re entering a world of zombies. Everywhere you look, you see kids still half asleep wishing that they were back home in their warm comfy bed. Why is this?

Generally, most students go to bed late and wake up early, like junior Katie Scott. “I go to bed at 12 and wake up at 6,” she said.

Even so, others are like junior Elbek Abasov, and have a weird sleep schedule to get the work done in the day. “I probably get 5 hours of sleep each day,” he said “I come home, take a one to two hour nap, then work until 2 am and get up again at 6:10…”