Elizabeth Kilbride
News Editor
The Outback Teen Center’s response to student intoxication at the Rave held on Monday, March 7, has been to create a task force with the primary aim of reviewing Outback policies. The dance was shut down by the police at 9:30 pm, an hour and a half earlier than planned, and resulted in one arrest and two hospitalizations.
“We developed a task force which includes parents from the community, Outback staff and board members, police, school administrators, youth service administrators, and YMCA representatives to review our policies and to make changes if necessary,” Outback Teen Center Program Director Nicole Jezairian said. “We haven’t made any decisions right at this point right now, but the task force is working on it. We’ve met once already and we’re going to meet again on Friday.”
According to junior Greg Zales, who sits on the Outback’s Student Governing Board as VP of Events and Talent Chair, all other activities will still run, but dances are off until the task force decides what to do.