Name: Zeeshaan Fatema Arastu
Subjects: 9th Grade Global History

About: Ms. Arastu is not completely new to NCHS this year. In the past, she student taught with Mr. Stevenson when he taught Global I, and is already quite familiar with the curriculum. “I’m really excited to be here, because when I did my student teaching it was such a fabulous experience,” she said. Ms. Arastu believes that the students here are uniquely invested in their education and take advantage of the resources that they have. Because Ms. Arastu was an Economics-Political Science major in college, she is able to “take the math aspect of history and apply the scientific math to the subject,” she said. “I like the numbers aspect of it.” She is excited to work with the staff this year, who were supportive throughout her student teaching experience, and teach a subject that she is passionate about.