My Top 25 Summer Firsts

Skim boarding in Narragansett, RI. Photo contributed by Gogo Jones

Gogo Jones
Sports Editor

1) Surfed without a wetsuit (think cheese grater).

2) Ate a quart of Del’s frozen lemonade in one sitting.

3) Received an order from Tanks aren’t only for girls.

4) Made a skim board ramp with plywood and PVC. Ate it hard.

5) Shared a brewski with my Dad at the Chatham Squire.

6) Learned to “leisure dive.” Check it out on my fb profile.

7) Wrote a college essay. Not fun.

8 ) Got my first scar. Cool right? Not when you get it opening a car door…

9) Had my wisdom teeth pulled. Can’t look at ice cream ever again…

10) Bought a sweater from Brooks Brothers. Feelin’ like a BO$$.

11) Had dinner at Capital Grille in Stamford. Who needs a life savings?

12) Played on a Darien based baseball team. Spray painted the field red.

13) Downloaded both of AER’s mixtapes. GET THEM NOW.

14) Learned to wire-jig fish. Look it up.

15) Read GQ magazine.

16) Decided Rick Perry is the Chuck Norris of politics.

17) Started drinking coffee. Although I will never put a Zumbach’s sticker on my car. NEVER.

18) Bought my first pair of Vans sneakers. #sk8r

19) Survived Irene. Ha.

20) Grew my hair out. Looked like a goon.

21) Saw the polar bear at central park zoo. FREE GUS!

22) Looted a phone store in London. JK.

23) Agreed to participate in the world’s biggest ponzi scheme: Fury Baseball Fall 2011.

24) Received a good 2 billion emails from unknown universities that are “Extremely interested in me”. Well, you don’t know me YOU DON’T. #gingersdohavesouls

25) Received my senior schedule. Here we go 2012!

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