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Hope in the Midst of Quarantine; Wuhan Willpower

Alexandra Harte, Editor-in-Chief

Every weekday, I will be posting bits of hope and positivity from around the world in the midst of the Coronavirus quarantine

COVID-19 was first reported in November in Wuhan, China, with cases rising to the tens of thousands since. All transportation was shut down, and citizens in 15 cities surrounding Wuhan were quarantined. Despite all the restrictions to attempt to slow down the virus, Wuhan managed to collect all their willpower and refused to let the virus destroy their creativity and morale. 

On January 27, Wuhan residents chanted the words “Wuhan jiayou,” meaning “Wuhan hang in there” or “stay strong” out of their windows. The chill inducing, hair raising sound of hundreds to thousands of people chanting together as a community in a time of desperation and fear is, for lack of a more powerful word, simply inspirational. Wuhan’s willpower is astounding and clearly refuses to be broken. 

This chant has taken to social media as a cry among the public and an attempt to stay strong and connect during this global pandemic.