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Hope in the Midst of Quarantine; Colossal Community Cheer

Alexandra Harte, Editor-in-Chief

Every weekday, I will be posting bits of hope and positivity from around the world in the midst of the Coronavirus quarantine 

Today’s act of hope comes from all across the country as children and adults alike are participating in the movement called “Chalk Your Walk.” People scribble positive phrases and smiley faces on their sidewalks or along the road to encourage people to get outside during this quarantine. 

This trend has been picked up around the nation as families gather together to spread cheer in their neighborhoods.

Others decided to credit the hospital for all of their hard work and decorated the walkway with colorfully positive phrases.


I love promoting the positivity shown around the world, but now I am asking that you help spread hope as well and participate in Chalk Your Walk. Take some time in your day to chalk up your own driveway, encouraging runners or walkers to “keep going!” or maybe just doodle and bring a smile to a strangers face. This time is scary for us all, and it’s little things like this that can keep us connected in the best ways possible. Don’t forget to reach out to your loved ones and spread love (not germs!).