Health and fitness: the February stretch

Keaton McAuliffe

There are two very exciting and potentially health hazardous events coming up this week.

Event #1: Valentine’s Day
Event #2: February Break

Valentine’s day may be considered the day of love, but it really is just a day where you have an excuse to eat with whatever you want (without being judged excessively). There’s chocolate everywhere, fattening date-night dinners complete with a whipped-cream topped dessert and these little bundles of pure sugar called “conversation hearts.” And that’s if you have a date.

If you happen to be single this Thursday, chances are you’ve already made plans to just eat your heart out (no pun intended). Your freezer door is probably already lined with pints of Ben and Jerry’s. You’re probably planning on eating chocolate covered strawberries for dinner. And those classic heart shaped chocolate boxes from Russell Stover are just waiting to be inhaled. You won’t even save a single truffle to be chucked at the sappy, happy-ending romance flick that you’re crying over (if you don’t get the cliche, watch this clip).

And if you didn’t consume enough calories while you were eating for two on Valentine’s day, you can fill in all the empty space over February break. Breaks are tough for three reasons. Reason 1: you’re away from home. Whether you are vacationing in Hawaii or hitting the slopes in Vermont, you are far away from a healthy, home-cooked meal. You’re eating meals “out” 24/7. Horrific.

The biggest danger comes when you’re on the road. There is a Mickey D’s at every rest stop across the country and so you’ll have almost no choice but to eat there. And, if you’re stuck in a barren, isolated college town in North Carolina (shout out to all juniors), then you probably won’t find anyplace that serves a decent meal (both in taste and in health). Point being: if you’re on vacation, you’re screwed.

But now for Reason 2: People take breaks as an excuse to NOT workout. They take vacation as a total opportunity for complete luxury. That means not hitting the gym. So between the constant over-eating and not working out, February break is a recipe for disaster.

Finally, Reason 3 presents just as much danger to your waistline. This applies to all you people opting for a “staycation” this February. Being at home all week with nothing to do but snack and go on a Netflix binge is a seriously treacherous situation. The key is to try to avoid the feeling of regret after that one chip turns into the whole bag, and that afternoon nap turns into a week-long reenactment of the life of a sloth.

But don’t worry! We have solutions!

Tip of the Week (and February break): On Valentine’s day, limit yourself. If you are full, DO NOT KEEP EATING. Don’t eat just to eat and don’t eat just to drown out the miseries of being forever alone. Also, make sure that you do eat a solid meal. That means no chocolate for dinner. A legitimate meal is going to make you feel fuller and you’re not going to want to eat as much afterward. If your bedroom is the destination of choice this week, make sure to leave the cookies and carbohydrate-heavy snacks in the cabinet.

Speaking of eating, if you are away from home next week, try not to eat out every single meal. Try to have breakfast / lunch at “home” i.e. not at a restaurant. That’s not always easy, especially in a hotel, but if that is a reasonable option, don’t hesitate to take it. If you have to eat out, save the big, heavy meals for dinner. Try a salad for lunch and some fruit and cereal for breakfast. You’ll feel better throughout the rest of the day if you’re not weighed down by three heavy meals.

Something else that everyone can do, no matter where they are, is bring your own snacks. If you’re lying at the beach and you want an afternoon snack, skip the sugary smoothie and instead grab a granola bar or a bag of pretzels that you brought from home or bought at a store. Most importantly, GO TO THE GYM! Every hotel/resort has one – they are usually strategically placed next to the spa. If you just hit the elliptical for 20 minutes every morning, you will have an easier time picking up where you left off when you get back home.

All in all, have a great vacay and a Happy Valentine’s Day, and remember to stay healthy!