Half-days restored due to Smarter Balance field test schedule changes

Abigail Neugeboren

Despite having 6 half-days scheduled for the Smarter Balance testing, administration has altered the testing window in a recent email from Principle Bryan Luizzi. Because the tests have followed a timely schedule, half-days for Monday 4/7 and Tuesday 4/8 have been restored to full days, leaving only Wednesday 4/9. Freshman, Sophomores and Seniors will be dismissed by 11:45 on Wednesday, while Juniors will remain for the final field test. Because of the short notice, administration advises any students with pre-scheduled conflicts to contact their grade-level administration. Dr. Luizzi is overall happy with the results so far, “We are thrilled to be able to restore 2 full days of classes to our students and teachers,” he said. “Thank you, juniors, for your efforts throughout the “SBAC Field-Test” experience!”

Half-day schedule for Wednesday, April 9th.
Half-day schedule for Wednesday, April 9th.