Glee Recap: “Rumours” plague the Glee clubbers

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Lily Kazemi

Last Tuesday on Glee, the New Directions took a stab at one of my all-time favorite bands, Fleetwood Mac, as a way to combat all of the rumors floating around school. This episode was one of the best in the season, reminiscent of the glory days in season one – instead of focusing too much on trying to make you laugh, the plot was emotional and filled with character development.

After a failed production of an all-white “Wiz,” April Rhodes is back at McKinley to drag Mr. Scheuster back to Broadway with her. After Will rants on about Glee-drama, April suggests that they use Fleetwood Mac’s arguably best album, Rumours, as a way to release the tension.

Meanwhile, Artie figures out that something’s going on between Brittany and Santana, and demands that Brittany tells him the truth. Crushed after he calls her stupid, Brittany dumps him and storms out crying, leading to a touching scene between her and Santana. After Brittany starts a rumor about Santana “playing for the other team” on her new web show, Fondue for Two, Santana finally feels ready to express her feelings with a beautiful rendition of “Songbird” (seriously, Santana needs more solos. Now). This leads to the duo agreeing to out themselves on the next webisode, announcing their plan to go to prom together. Alas, much to my dismay, Santana chickens out and leaves Brittany hanging. Though I think they rushed Santana’s realization that she’s gay, they’ve handled her confliction with it extremely well.

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The episode was also packed with Finchel drama, as evident by Rachel’s “Go Your Own Way.” After reading about a possible rendezvous between Sam and Quinn in the school newspaper, Finn enlists Rachel’s help to lead a stake-out at the local motel. Instead of seeing Quinn, though, it’s Kurt who leaves Sam’s motel room, prompting the two to think he’s cheating on Blaine. This was one aspect of the episode that completely suprised me – when all the glee clubbers found out, not one person said, “Wait, since when is Sam gay??”

Rachel and Finn return to the scene of the crime only to catch Quinn hugging Sam, leading to a tension-filled performance of “I Don’t Want to Know“: both think the other is cheating. After a confrontation between Finn and Sam, we learn the real reason that Kurt and Quinn were over at his motel room. Sam’s dad has lost his job, and they now live in a motel instead of a home; Kurt and Quinn were just helping him out with his little siblings. To show Sam that he’s still loved by the club, New Directions serenades him, and his adorable siblings, with “Don’t Stop“.

All-in-all, this was one of the best episodes that Glee has produced in the season. Picking one album to base the songs off, especially one that’s as iconic as Rumours, lead to a harmony and flow between the performances. It’s also the only episode to make me cry lately that doesn’t involve Kurt – Rumours shines because it cuts out all of the over-the-top drama and comes down to one thing: the development of the characters that we all know and love.

Highlights and Quotes:

  • “Lord Tubbington’s allowed to eat cheese because he’s on Atkins.” – Brittany
  • “I know Kurt was trying to help you out, bringing you some of his old clothes, but I don’t really think that sequined riding pants are for you.” – Finn
  • “You know what they say: Those who can’t, teach. Turns out, maybe you actually can. Think about that next time you prop your butt-chin up on one of those tiny, little face toilets.” – Coach Sylvester

Do you agree with me, or completely disagree? Feel free to chime in below, and don’t forget to come back to the Courant for our Glee recaps every Thursday!