Editor’s Blog: Late night fire alarm

Editor’s Blog: Late night fire alarm

Tyler Kendall
Features Editor

Late night never ceases to amaze the journalism crew as tonight proved. In the midst of editing pages and battling InDesign, we were awoken from our usual 8’clock toner-induced trance from the blaring fire alarm.

So what does the team do? Flood into that classic parking lot outside room 119, take a million selfies, and ask, “Where is Mike Donnelly!?”

After five minutes though, it occurred to us that we left the snack table unattended in the hallway. In a daring and brave attempt, a shout out goes to sports editor, junior Isabel Hetherington, who boldly saved the brownies.

So NCHS, a lot of work went into this upcoming issue of the Courant. Make sure to pick up a copy this Friday, May 5.

fire alarm