Dr. Luizzi to assume role of interim superintendent

Chloe Rippe and Casey Manzella

Photo by Hannah Kirkpatrick Principal Dr. Luizzi will become interim superintendent July 1st
Photo by Hannah Kirkpatrick
Principal Dr. Luizzi will become interim superintendent July 1st

In March, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mary Kolek announced her plans to retire after having worked within the New Canaan School District for the past 10 years. While the Board of Education met the resignation by acknowledging Dr. Kolek’s many contributions to the district, board members faced the challenge of resolving gaps within the school district executive hierarchy.

Having served in various roles in the Newtown and Brooksfield school districts, Principal Dr. Bryan Luizzi was a qualified candidate for the position of interim superintendent. “I learned that Dr. Kolek was retiring and spoke with the Board of Education to find out where the district was heading and to work with the board,” Dr. Luizzi said.

Dr. Luizzi will have been principal of New Canaan High School for three years when he assumes the position of interim superintendent effective July 1st. “Being principal has prepared me well for the position, it has been a large and comprehensive experience,” he said.

Assuming a district-wide role will present Dr. Luizzi with new abilities and challenges. “It’s an opportunity to learn more about the community and it’s a real honor to do the best I can and work with everybody,” he said. “I got used to the pace of a school day, so a world without bells as superintendent will be a different daily structure.”

Dr. Luizzi’s trajectory within the educational field was not always directed at becoming superintendent. “I worked with technology in the Newtown school district, which helped me learn more about the K-12 system but I started as an English teacher, and when opportunities presented themselves I took advantage of them,” he said. “Being principal is in some ways similar, it seemed like a natural progression.”

Since his involvement in the New Canaan School District, Dr. Luizzi said he has considered assuming the role of superintendent to be the next step in his career. “The thought certainly crossed my mind when Dr. Kolek became superintendent after David Abbey,” he said. “It seemed like a logical career progression and I hoped for it. I do see this change as permanent, but I am still interested in being principal if it was only an interim position, being principal is the best job I’ve ever had.”

As interim superintendent, Dr. Luizzi will have to work with officials from the entire K-12 system to bring about change in the New Canaan School District. “Change works its way through a system by assessing resources and taking action,” he said.  “I want to continue that aspect of teamwork by working together with educators and continue the growing use of technology.”

The connections he has made within the New Canaan school district during his time as principal will facilitate the transition to superintendent. “In the long term it’s better for everyone to be part of a collaborative team,” he said. “I know the staff from my time as principal, and I love the people involved in the K-12 system. You can’t just artificially know people.”

Photo by Hannah Kirkpatrick As superintendent, Dr. Luizzi plans on broadening the use of technology in the classroom
Photo by Hannah Kirkpatrick
As superintendent, Dr. Luizzi plans on broadening the use of technology in the classroom

Going forward, Dr. Luizzi plans to continue fortifying technology in the classroom and maintaining communication with educational co-workers. “We’re part of a team, which requires collaborative leadership and work,” Dr. Luizzi said. “With professional learning, we need to continue that work, and in important areas, like the role of technology in classrooms.”

Part of his plans for technology include ensuring every teacher has an iPad, a change he has already worked to implement as principal of NCHS.

Although the upcoming year poses major changes for Dr. Luizzi, he plans on continuing the progress he has made at a school wide level, on a district wide level. “I’m going to have to learn a lot more about the K-12 system, tech support and delivery,” he said. “In the long term, we will have a better school system if administration can make a direct impact. I don’t want to keep the status quo, the schools should always be getting better.” timeline