Dance like nobody’s watching

Dance like nobody’s watching

Abigail Cushman, Section Editor

Have you ever heard the phrase “Dance like nobody’s watching”? Well, as we are all in quarantine, this blog will provide weekly updates about what (otherwise unapproachable) activities you can now try out in the safety of your own home since nobody is watching what you do.

This week, we will delve into the original saying that is, “Dance like nobody’s watching”. Along with many other sports and arts, quarantine has prevented the entire dance community from rehearsing, performing, competing, and training at the studio or on stage. For this reason, dancers worldwide have taken to teaching and watching livestream dance classes on a variety of platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Zoom, and more. 

Instagram in particular is very commonly used by professional dancers to host free, live dance classes. The beauty of an Instagram livestream dance class is that any Instagram user can watch the live video and take class (as long as the account is public or followed by the user) without being seen, filmed, or judged by anybody else teaching or taking the class. 

So, the next time you are feeling bored, out of shape, or simply in need of an outlet, why not take up a free online dance class? It’s never too late to learn. Anybody can dance anywhere; whether it’s outside, inside, a big room or small one… it doesn’t matter. All you have to do is find the best space you can, pull out a device, and get moving!

American Ballet Theatre principal dancers, Isabella Boylston and James B Whiteside, livestream a daily Instagram ballet class known as #TheCindiesBalletClass.

The Brea Space dance studio has hosted multiple Instagram livestream dance classes.

Although they are currently unable to host dance conventions, Titans of Dance has kept many moving with live Instagram classes every weekday at one.

Dancers (and non-dancers!) worldwide took SYTYCD All Star and
former Miami City Ballet Principal Dancer, Alex Wong’s, Instagram livestream class.

Principal dancer at the New York City Ballet, Tiler Peck, livestreams ballet class every Monday through Saturday at one pm eastern time.

Build Dance Series has recordings of previously livestreamed dance classes posted on their Instagram account.