Courant signs off for the summer

Lucia Molina & Kelly Saiz

As we near completion of the 2010-2011 school year we bid farewell to our seniors and prepare for a restful summer. On Monday, August 29th the Courant will be back in time for the 2011-2012 academic year (starting Tuesday, August 30th).

This year we have incorporated more multimedia into our online production. In the coming year, we hope to advance our online platform through collaboration with NCTV and production of our own enhanced multimedia projects.

This summer we will be working with Creative Director Teresa Montenari and Managing Editor Francesca DeRosa to create an outline for next year’s operation. Teresa will be redesigning the Courant as the four of us put our heads together to create a plan of action for the publication.

On August 29th  you can expect a full report on new Principal Dr. Bryan Luizzi and all incoming teachers. Check the Courant Online throughout the first week of school to learn more about what’s new at NCHS.

Thank you for reading. We look forward to August.