What you missed over break

Scott O’Brien and Doug Reilly
Sports Editors

During last week’s February vacation a lot happened in our schools athletic programs:

Girls’ Basketball:

Sarah Mannelly scored her 1000th point against Danbury in the FCIAC Quarterfinals.

Girls’ Basketball lost to Ridgefield in the FCIAC Semi-Finals. The Rams defeated Middletown 71-41 in the first round of states and play RHAM on Thursday.

Senior Brian Khzouz features in FCIAC wrestling finals

Danielle Sorcher
Features Editor

Saturday, February 12 brought on the FCIAC wrestling finals, beginning at 4 PM in the gyms. Only one NCHS wrestler, senior and co-captain Brian Khzouz, made it to the finals, wrestling against senior Bryan Polonia of Stamford in the 145 weight class.

Last year Brian made it to the FCIAC finals and lost in triple overtime, but placing second. His sophomore year he placed third. Although hoping to win this year, Brian lost to the Stamford wrestler 4-8, but placed second in the FCIAC tournament.

Boys’ hockey skates for history

Doug Reilly
Sports Editor

39 years removed from their last Division 1 State title, the boys’ hockey team sits at the top of the state rankings with a sparkling record of 18-0. Having blown out just about every team on their schedule, the Rams look destined for another deep run into the state playoffs, a run they hope to end at Ingall’s Rink with a championship trophy in their hands.