Dazed and Concussed

Gogo Jones
Sports Editor

Nick Shaw said his concussion felt like a “constant brainfreeze in both temples.” Photo by Cameron Lancaster
The last thing senior Wesley Rhudy remembers before waking up in an ambulance is the face of a running back: “I was about to make the tackle and then out the blue…bam, I was out cold,” he said. “I woke up sometime later and my head was spinning.”

2011 Rams Football Preview

Senior Editor Doug Reilly reports on the Ram football team as they approach Friday night’s match up against Fairfield Warde. The game will be this Friday at 6:30 in Dunning Stadium. Doug, also the leader of the notorious student cheering section Bussey’s Bomb Squad, has asked the student body to dress in all black.

Summer training diary of student athlete Rams

Chloe Davis & Gogo Jones
Sports Editors
For many, summer is a time to kick-back, relax, and soak up the rays. Ram athletes, however, realize that working hard over the summer and success on the field go hand in hand. While catching up with leaders from each season, the Courant asked these NCHS athletes what summer athletics mean to them, and how it will pay off in the 2011/2012 season. And while each athlete is unique with their own strengths, weaknesses, and routines; they all share one common goal–bringing home the next State championship. Ladies and gentlemen, NCHS Courant presents to you the Rams Summer Diary.

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